
The Zone is a charity that relies on funding to enable us to continually improve, expand - where there is demand - and sustain services.

The services we offer directly improve the lives of children, teenagers, young adults and their families.

Without funding, donations and sponsorship we cannot survive.

Young people directly benefit from Zone life. The well-being they get just from enjoying a safe, secure, positive and happy environment to the self esteem and confidence they develop from accessing one to one support when needed.

Our Team includes experts in various areas including, psychology, youth and community work, parent coaching, sports and youth leadership and more.

You can make a huge difference to young lives by making a donation to The Zone.



The power of giving creates light in the darkest of times.
Please consider The Zone when you make your will.
Leaving a legacy for our youth secures our Community's future.


The Zone is a Registered Charity No. 1125503
Company No. 6629551